Tough PR

It is difficult, if not impossible, to maintain positive public relations when a CEO is rumored to be leaving a sinking ship.  This is the situation that Marissa Mayer of Yahoo finds herself in.  Key executives have already departed, morale is low and Mayer seems to be out of ideas for turning the ailing company around.  If she does leave voluntarily or not, the future of Yahoo will be in peril.  Mayer was billed as the last, best hope of the company, which never made the transition post Google to a mature but growing business.  This is the fate of many internet companies, so Mayer needn’t be embarrassed by the failure, but if she is to continue trying to stabilize the franchise, she will need to work on morale.  Now is not a time to be trumpeting the company publicly.  It is the hour when she has to mobilize the troops to storm the hill one more time and see if they can hold it.