Too Little, Too Late

While I was away, this story appeared in the New York Times.  It’s a case of too little too late to rescue an individual’s reputation.  When the court document leaked that Bill Cosby had sex with numerous women and drugs were involved in some of these cases, he lost his reputation as America’s Dad.  The lawyers should have spoken then.  Instead, they let the allegations fester and the wound to bleed.  Today, Cosby is a tarred man who has lost endorsements and whose career is finished.  That might not be so bad because he is older now and already had a stellar time in the public spotlight, but his legacy is lost.  He is no longer the wholesome comedian we thought he was.  So, he beat the lawsuits thus far, but that isn’t saying much.  Using a female attorney to plead his case is spin that doesn’t cover what he admitted doing.