Tit For Tat

South Korea said it will restart propaganda broadcasts to North Korea in reprisal for North Korea planting two mines that injured South Korean soldiers on patrol.  This tit for tat is part of the ongoing truce between the two countries.  The war between the north and south has never been concluded — only stalled with each side warily watching the other and building armed forces.  The propaganda blaring from huge banks of speakers is unlikely to change any minds, but it will serve as a sonic annoyance that can carry as far as 15 miles into North Korea.  The broadcasts won’t help anyone trying to escape because the DMZ is sealed with barb wire, mines and constant patrols.  Successful breakouts take place along the northern boundary of North Korea with people crossing the Yalu River.  And, few make it.  One almost wishes that fighting between the two countries would erupt again with the North losing badly and suing for peace with a discontinuance of the communist regime. North Koreans have suffered enough.