Asking anyone to rank a President while the President remains in office is a dumb idea. That is why this ranking which thrusts Obama to the bottom of Presidents in office since World War II is spurious. Most voters weren’t alive or cognizant when Truman and Eisenhower were in office. Most don’t remember Kennedy that well either. Someone once said it takes 20 years before one can judge a President historically. The long wait is needed to allow partisanship to wither and the individual be considered objectively. But why is such a poll useful? Because it is a gauge of current voter perception. It tells a President how well the public thinks the President is doing today. In light of that, Obama needs to choose well and execute better until he leaves office. There is still plenty of opportunity for him to show his mettle given the upheavals that roil the globe and turbulence at home. If he fails, it won’t be for lack of trying. How historians will rate him in 2034 is anyone’s guess.