Credibility Impaired

How does an organization maintain its credibility when this happens?  The world of professional soccer has been turned upside down with the indictments of vice presidents and executive committee members for graft.  The president, Sepp Blatter, has been left untouched, but the charges stop at the door to his office.  It is clear that FIFA needs to do its own internal investigation and become transparent, which it isn’t now.  However, it is unlikely under Blatter to do so, since he runs the organization with an iron hand and has been deaf to criticism.  The actions of FIFA have opened other questions such as players throwing games and gambling on their outcome.  The impression left with outside observers is that FIFA is rotten to the core.  Some say they are not surprised by the indictments.  They knew all along that FIFA was crooked, but it was left untouched, as if a city state.  FIFA faces years of repair to its reputation, and it might have to change its entire leadership to become credible again.