Hearing The Public At Last

The US Olympic Committee (USOC) had hoped to steamroll Boston’s bid for the 2024 Summer Olympics.  Bostonians had other ideas and USOC heard the public at last.  Boston has now been dropped as the official bid for the games.  Call this public relations in reverse.  The public made known its opposition to the games and USOC listened.  Now the committee has to find another city that will welcome the games, and it has little time to do it.  In retrospect, Boston’s citizens were correct in repudiating the games.  They are wildly expensive to host and every city that has done so has been left with huge deficits.  The games in Athens nearly bankrupted the country. Why, then, should Bostonians open their arms to the games?  Boston’s revolt might be the start of a general questioning of the expense of the games and what might be done to restrain costs.  Olympics on a budget is a good idea and it is time to try it.