Two Secret Service guards were in a car that crashed outside the White House. One was driving. It is one more embarrassment for the agency, which has had a string of high-profile faux pas. How does one put a stop to the stupidity and regain a reputation for competence and professionalism? PR won’t do it. It takes revision of policies and practices within the agency itself to make a difference. Then, and only then, can the agency begin to turn itself around in the public’s estimation. The list of mistakes and bad behavior at the agency is long enough that one can conclude there is something wrong in how it is guarding the President and his family. This is a come-down from the quiet but important role that the agency has had for decades in which there was no question that a Secret Service agent would lay down his life for the one he was to protect. Every organization needs renewal some time. It would seem the Secret Service is at that point.