Change And Inertia

Chief Marketing Officers are complaining that they are supposed to measure everything in marketing but they don’t have tools or authority to do it.  It seems company executives want measurement but they aren’t willing to change behaviors to get it.  Welcome to cultural inertia.  Public relations practitioners are intimately familiar with bone-deep reluctance to adapt to shifting environments.  Too many of us are dismissed as press release factories, incapable of advising managers on larger issues.  An organization’s leadership might not have gotten counsel from the PR practitioner before, so why trust him now?  This circular argument keeps PR in a cubby writing ledes.  CMOs.on the other hand, are supposed to be at a level where they can order compliance, but in reality, they can’t.  They must obtain cooperation from multiple departments in addition to their own and time spent building credibility is onerous.  Change comes glacially, and it might prove too slow for CMOs to keep their jobs. Inertia frequently wins, especially since mid-level managers needn’t do anything different to keep their jobs.